Certification and Auditing Rules for Supply Chain
  • 03 Mar 2025
  • 1 Menit untuk dibaca
  • Pdf

Certification and Auditing Rules for Supply Chain

  • Pdf

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The Certification and Auditing Rules for Supply Chain establish the requirements for prospective and existing supply chain Certificate Holders (CHs) to become or remain part of the Rainforest Alliance Certification Program. The Auditing rules portions of the document lays out the requirements for how authorized Certification Bodies (CBs) must effectively audit the requirements in Rainforest Alliance supply chain CHs.

Previously, the rules for supply chain certificate CHs were combined with those for farm CHs. However, in version 1.4 of the Rainforest Alliance Agriculture Standard, the requirements for supply chain diverge from those for farm. As a result, have separated the supply chain rules for ease of use by CHs and CBs.

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