UEBT/RA: RACP User Manual
  • 08 Feb 2024
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UEBT/RA: RACP User Manual

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This user manual is only applicable to UEBT/RA certified members
UEBT is the Union for Ethical Biotrade and the Rainforest Alliance partner in the joint Herbs & Spices Certification Program. 
The Rainforest Alliance Certification Platform (RACP) provides UEBT/RA certified members access to MultiTrace, the traceability reporting platform.
Version 1.0, February 2024

Why do UEBT/RA members need to register in RACP? 

UEBT/RA certified members do not need to use RACP for certification purposes, but to access the traceability platform MultiTrace.

To use MultiTrace, UEBT/RA certificate holders need to register in RACP and obtain a license.

How to register in the RACP?

  • UEBT/RA Organizations at Source (OaS): register as a farm organization. Follow the instructions in chapter 1 of this user guide.
  • UEBT/RA Organization not at Source (OnaS): register as a farm organization and as a supply chain actor. Follow the instructions in chapter 1 and chapter 2 of this user guide.

What can UEBT/RA certificate holders do in RACP?

As a UEBT/RA Certificate Holder, you can use the RACP to access your license, report traceability, and submit claims requests.

1. UEBT/RA Organizations at Source (OaS)

UEBT/RA Organizations at Source (OaS) need to register in the RACP as a farm organization. In the next paragraphs you can find all the steps to receive your license and report traceability.

1.1. Submit your registration request

  • Go to the RACP registration page here.
  • Select your preferred language in the pop-up or on the top right corner.
  • Read the information about the farms and click on ‘Continue’. Please register as a farm certificate holder.
  • Provide your organization’s information:
    • Organization details:
      • organization name. Please use the same name as on your UEBT/RA certificate;
      • if applicable, your legacy Rainforest Alliance/UTZ ID.
      • your main crop.
      • any additional activities.
    • Organization address: this is the location where the Organization at Source is managed.
    • Personal details: your first name, last name and business email address.
    • Terms & Conditions:
      • Read and accept the Terms & Conditions.
      • Submit your registration: click on ‘Submit participation’.

Note: Your registration request will be reviewed by the Rainforest Alliance team. You will receive an email to activate your account.

Check your spam inbox if you haven’t received the email.

1.2. Create your certification profile

After you receive the activation e-mail, click on the link in the email to activate your username and set your new password.

You will land in your Dashboard at the following screen:

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Tell us what you are certified for, by indicating:

  • how many small and/or large farms are part of your UEBT/RA certification.
  • Whether all farms, that are included in your UEBT/RA certificate, are owned by your company.
  • confirm the address of the Central Management Location.
  • if you purchase certified products from another farm certificate holder. Please answer Yes only if you purchase from a certificate holder that is not included in your certification.
  • that you don’t have any additional sites/subcontractors to add to your certification. UEBT/RA certificate holder do not need to include the details of all sites in RACP, as this information is already available with UEBT.
  • Summary: Click on ‘Submit’ to continue with the next steps.

For any required edits, click on the ‘Edit’ button under Action.

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You will now land in the section ‘Certification Overview’, where you can see your Certification scope.

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1.3. Add and maintain sites/subcontractors

In the section ‘Certification scope’, edit your site(s).

The site in this overview is the Central Management Location (CML) that you indicated when creating your account. Every UEBT/RA Certificate Holder must have at least one site in their profile to be able to confirm their scope. Click on ‘Edit’ to fill in additional information about the CML.

UEBT/RA Certificate Holders do not need to list all the sites/subcontractors and farms in RACP. It is sufficient to have the information for the CML completed.

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In the new form, fill in the information as applicable:

  1. Details: enter your site’s information.
  2. Crops: select the crop(s) you are certified for. Please select all the key crops you are certified for and select ‘other herbs and spices’ for any other crop you are certified for. It is important to select the crops correctly at this stage, so that your access to the traceability platform works properly later.
Key crops are: Dill, Cardamom, Ceylon Cinnamon, Chili Pepper, Clove, Coriander, Laurel / Bay Leaf, Nutmeg, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley, Pepper, Rooibos, Rosemary, Saffron, Tarragon, Thyme, Vanilla.
  1. Activities: indicate what activities are conducted at this location. Select ‘Trading’ if no other activities apply to this location.
  2. Input: indicate what (sub)products are traded from or processed at this location.
  3. Output: indicate what (sub)products exit this location.
  4. Traceability: indicate the traceability type of the products handled at this location. Please select “Identity Preserved” for any activities under your UEBT/RA certificate.
  5. Certificationquestions: Please answer these questions with ‘no’, as they are not relevant for UEBT/RA certificate holders.
  6. Summary: here you can see a summary of the information you entered so far. If any edits are required, click on the button ‘Back’ to edit the previous entries. If no further edits are required, click on ‘Submit’ to continue with the next steps.

Note: UEBT/RA Certificate Holders only need to set up the Central Management Location as a site in RACP. You don’t need to add all your site and subcontractors.

Please ensure you have the crops you are certified for selected correctly, so that the traceability platform works properly.

1.4. Confirm certification scope

You can now confirm your scope. Go to your Certification scope section and click on the green button ‘Confirm scope and view requirements’.

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This will generate the requirements for RA Farm Certificate Holders.

These requirements and the further steps in the registration in RACP are not applicable to UEBT/RA Certificate Holders, but it is important that you confirm your scope.

Please continue with the step below.

1.5. Receive your license

In addition to the registration in RACP (which you have now completed) you need to receive a license to access MultiTrace. This license is issued by Rainforest Alliance based on your UEBT/RA certificate issued by UEBT.

In order to obtain a license, please send an email to cbcert@ra.org mentioning:

  • That you need a license based on your UEBT/RA certificate
  • The name of your organization as in the registration in RACP and on your UEBT/RA certificate
  • Your RA ID (RA_xxxxxxxxxxx) you have received during the RACP registration process.

Please include your organization name, RA_ID, and country in the subject line of the email.

1.6. Access MultiTrace

Once your license has been issued, you receive an automatic notification from RACP and when logging in to your RACP account you can access the traceability tab in the task bar.

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For more information on how to use MultiTrace, consult the MultiTrace: Traceability User Manual Guidance.

1.7. Renew your Certification

You receive a notification 6 months before your license expires. This means you need to make sure you renew your certification and license before they expire.

Please reach out to UEBT (herbsandspices@uebt.org) and your Certification Body to renew your UEBT/RA certificate. You don’t need to perform any certification activities in RACP.
Once you have received a new UEBT/RA certificate, you will also receive a new license in RACP, so you continue to have access to the traceability platform.

1.8. Users & Contacts

To add, edit or delete users from your RACP and traceability account, consult this section Users and contacts.

Note: Please return to this article for other UEBT/RA related information.

1.9. Use of the Rainforest Alliance claim and seal

To use the Rainforest Alliance claim and seal, all organizations need to request approval through the Claims Platform in RACP. Consult the Claims Platform User Manual for further information.

Prior to receive approval for the claims requests, UEBT/RA Organizations at Source need to request and sign a License Agreement. To do so, follow the instructions in this user guide.

Note: Please return to this article for other UEBT/RA related information.

2. UEBT/RA Organization not at Source (OnaS)

UEBT/RA Organization not at Source (OnaS) need to register as a farm organization and as a supply chain actor.

To register as a farm organization, complete the steps in chapter 1 of this user manual.
In addition, to register as a supply chain actor, complete the steps illustrated in this section.

2.1. Submit your registration request

  1. Go to the RACP registration page here.
  2. Select your preferred language in the top right corner.
  3. Click on the Supply Chain Actor flow.
  4. Provide your organization’s information:
    1. Organization details:
      1. organization name; Please use the same name as on your UEBT/RA certificate.
      2. if applicable, your legacy Rainforest Alliance/UTZ ID.
      3. your main crop.
      4. any additional activities.
    2. Organization address: this is the location where the certificate is managed.
    3. Personal details: your first name, last name and business email address.
    4. Terms & Conditions:
      1. Read and accept the Terms & Conditions.
      2. Submit your registration: click on ‘Submit participation’.
Note: Your registration request will be reviewed by the Rainforest Alliance team. When approved, you will receive an email to activate your username and set your new password.
Check your spam inbox if you haven’t received the email.

2.2. Create your certification profile

After you receive the activation e-mail, click on the link in the email to activate your username and set your new password.

You will land in your Dashboard at the following screen:

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Tell us what site(s) you are certified for, by indicating:

  • your Central Management Location. This is the address of the management office; As a UEBT/RA certificate holder you don’t need to provide information on any additional sites.

Summary: Click on ‘Submit’ to continue with the next steps.

For any required edits, click on the ‘Edit’ button under Action.

You will now land in the section ‘Certification Overview’, where you can see the overview of the sites in your certification scope.

2.3. Add and maintain sites

In your ‘Certification scope’, you can find an overview of your sites.

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You need to fill in more information about your Central Management Location. Click on ‘Edit’ and fill in the information as applicable:

  1. Details: enter your site’s information.
  2. Crops: select the crop(s) you are certified for. Please select all the key crops you are certified for and select ‘other herbs and spices’ for any other crop you are certified for. It is important to select the crops correctly at this stage, so that your access to the traceability platform works properly later. You don’t need to provide information on the volumes you expect to handle.
Key crops are: Dill, Cardamom, Ceylon Cinnamon, Chili Pepper, Clove, Coriander, Laurel / Bay Leaf, Nutmeg, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley, Pepper, Rooibos, Rosemary, Saffron, Tarragon, Thyme, Vanilla.
  1. Activities: indicate what activities are applicable to this location.
  2. Input: indicate what product(s) are sourced or arrive at this location.
  3. Output: indicate what product(s) exit this location.
  4. Traceability: indicate the traceability type of the products handled at this location. Select any type of traceability level applicable to your certification. This is visible on your invoices and shipping documentation. If you don’t know this, please check with your supplier.
  5. Certification questions: As a UEBT/RA Certificate Holder you can answer these questions with No, as the information is already available with UEBT.
  6. Summary: here you can see a summary of the information you entered so far. If any edits are required, click ‘Back’ to edit the previous entries. If no further edits are required, click ‘Submit’ to continue with the next steps.

Note: UEBT/RA Certificate Holders only need to set up the Central Management Location as a site in RACP. You don’t need to add all your site and subcontractors.

Please ensure you have the crops you are certified for selected correctly, so that the traceability platform works properly.

2.4. Confirm your certification scope

In your ‘Certification scope’ section, click on the green button ‘Confirm scope and view requirements’.

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This will generate the requirements applicable for RA certified supply chain actors.

These requirements and the further steps in the registration in RACP are not applicable to UEBT/RA Certificate Holders, but it is important that you confirm your scope.

2.5. Legal Agreement (2020 version)

A valid License Agreement is a mandatory step for supply chain actors to obtain a license in the RACP. To request and sign a License Agreement, follow the instructions in this user guide.

Note: Please return to this article to continue your UEBT/RA certified registration.

2.6. Receive your license

In addition to the registration in RACP (which you have now completed) you need to receive a license to access MultiTrace. This license is issued by Rainforest Alliance based on your UEBT/RA certificate issued by UEBT.

In order to obtain a license, please send an email to cbcert@ra.org mentioning:

  • That you need a license based on your UEBT/RA CH
  • The name of your organization as in the registration in RACP and on your UEBT/RA certificate
  • Your RA ID (RA_xxxxxxxxxxx) you have received during the RACP registration process.

Please include your organization name, RA_ID, and country in the subject line of the email.

2.7. Access MultiTrace

Once your license has been issued, you receive an automatic notification from RACP and when logging in to your RACP account you can access the traceability tab in the task bar.

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For more information on how to use MultiTrace, consult the MultiTrace: Traceability User Manual Guidance.

2.8. Renew your Certificate/License

You receive a notification 6 months before your license expires. This means you need to make sure you renew your certification and license before they expire.

Please reach out to UEBT (herbsandspices@uebt.org) and your Certification Body to renew your UEBT/RA certificate. You don’t need to perform any certification activities in RACP.
Once you have received a new UEBT/RA certificate, you will also receive a new license in RACP, so you continue to have access to the traceability platform

2.9. Finance

To access your Finance information, click on the tab ‘Finance’ in the RACP.

In the Finance tab you can see:

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  • Fees: in this section you can find the overview of the Royalty fees you need to pay.
  • Invoices: in this section you can find the overview of all your Royalties fees (paid and pending payment).

Please note that the royalty fee is charged to the UEBT/RA Organization Not At Source as the first buyer of the Organizations At Source according to our royalty scheme outlined in the License Agreement.

2.9.1. Invoicing

The RACP calculates the applicable charged royalty over the billing cycle and bills it accordingly at the end of the cycle.

2.10. Users & Contacts

To add, edit or delete users from your RACP and traceability account, consult this section Users and contacts.

Note: Please return to this article for other UEBT/RA related information.

2.11. Use of the Rainforest Alliance claim and seal

To use the Rainforest Alliance claim and seal, all organizations need to request approval through the Claims Platform in RACP. Consult the Claims Platform User Manual for further information.

Note: Please return to this article for other UEBT/RA related information.

3. Glossary

The table below lists the most frequently used terms and abbreviations and their significance for working with RACP. Understanding these terms is necessary to accurately complete your registration.

See also our online glossary, for an explanation of the terminology you will find within the Rainforest Alliance 2020 Certification Program's documents and tools.


Central Management Location (CML)

Location where most of the management activities take place. This includes the management of the processes and procedures needed to become and remain certified.

Certification Overview

Section in the RACP where a Certificate Holder can submit the information on their 'certificate scope'.

Certificate Scope

A set of activities, processes, actors, and products covered under the certification of a certificate holder.

Certification Profile

The page in RACP where a Certificate Holder can submit the information on their 'certificate scope'.


A geographically separate entity belonging to a certificate holder (farm or supply chain actor) where a specific number and type of operations are conducted.


An organization or individual contracted to carry out one or more specific operations on the certified products, for example, processing, storing, packaging, and/or labelling products.


One Legal Agreement can cover multiple entities called sublicensees. Permitted sublicensees inherit the rights and obligations of the Legal Agreement signed by your organization.

Supply chain actor

Any non-farming organization that relates to the certified product from its production up to its final sale.

4. FAQ

What is the link to register in RACP?

You can register at this link: https://portal.ra.org/CertificateHolder_Registration/

My account has been approved. Where can I Iog-in?

Follow the link in the email you received to set your password.

You can login at the link below after you have set a new password: https://portal.ra.org/RA_Certification_Theme/Login

I forgot my password. How can I retrieve it?

If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it by clicking on ‘Forgot your password?’ in the login screen.

I need help with my registration process. Who can I reach out to?

Reach out to our Customer Success team via email at CustomerSuccess@ra.org or visit our Contact Us page.

For technical assistance, use our live chat on the RACP.

I need to renew my UEBT/RA certification. Who can I reach out to?

Reach out to UEBT via email at certification@uebt.org.

I need help with my certification process. Who can I reach out to?

Reach out to UEBT via email at certification@uebt.org.

Where can I find more information about using the traceability platform?

Consult our MultiTrace: Traceability User Manual Guidance to find out more about reporting in MultiTrace.

Why don’t I see the tab Finance in my RACP account?

The Finance tab will be visible in your RACP account after your first license has been activated.

I need help with my royalty invoices. Who can I reach out to?

Reach out to our Customer Success team via email at CustomerSuccess@ra.org or visit our Contact Us page.

For technical assistance, use our live chat on the RACP.

5. Change history

Version no.   


Significant Changes   

Version no.   


February 2024  

New version  


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