Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard - Farm Requirements
  • 03 Mar 2025
  • 1 Minute Lesezeit
  • pdf

Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard - Farm Requirements

  • pdf

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Sustainable agriculture has never been more important. The Sustainable Agriculture Standard offers a practical framework and targeted innovations to help farmers grow better crops, boost productivity, access meaningful insights on their sustainability performance, and focus investments on their biggest risks. The Farm Requirements are designed to help certificate holders maximize agriculture's positive social, environmental, and economic impact, while empowering farmers to improve their livelihoods and protect the landscapes where they live and work.

The updated Sustainable Agriculture Standard Farm Requirements keeps the most valuable elements from prior versions, maintaining tools that drive farm-level impact. We removed unnecessarily burdensome requirements and refocused internal inspections and data collection on what matters most. For farmers, that means less complexity and resources required for implementation. For companies, that means a more impactful standard that’s better aligned with increasing environmental, social, and governance frameworks and global regulations.

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