Indicator Annex
  • 03 Mar 2025
  • 13 Minutos de leitura
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Indicator Annex

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Indicator Annex





Applies to:

Farm Certificate Holders


Binding content

Effective by:

October 1st 2025

Expires by:

Until further notice

Published on:

March 3rd 2025



What is this document about?

This annex includes additional binding content related to the implementation of requirement 1.7.1 of the Rainforest Alliance Sustainability Standards. This document has an overview of the indicators Farm Certificate Holders are asked to collect and submit on a yearly basis. Unless otherwise specified the data submitted are from the previous calendar year.

When and how to use this document?

This document provides Certificate Holders with information on the indicators required by the Rainforest Alliance Standards linked to requirement 1.7.1 and how to collect the data adequately and accurately. Certification Bodies shall also refer to this document for better understanding of what is required for implementation.

This document has been kept at high level to ensure it is accessible and can be used by all. For further details, kindly refer to the Rainforest Alliance Guidance: Data Points and other referenced guidance documents. For definition of terms refer to the Rainforest Alliance Glossary Annex.

Applicability of Indicator Data Points

The applicability of a data point is indicated by a checkmark. A checkmark shows which actor is responsible for collecting the data. Please note that for groups with small farms, regardless of the checkmark, group management is always ultimately accountable for collecting the data. Group Management is always responsible for reporting the data in the RA platform.

For Certificate Holders with multiple Rainforest Alliance certified crops, the prevalent crop is applicable.

Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Checkmark for small and large farms in individual certification

Small or large farms that are certified individually must collect these data points.

Checkmark for group management

The data point applies to the entire group, and group management staff is responsible for collecting the data points for all members of the group (both small and large) and their own operations.

Checkmark for large farms part of a group

The management of the large farm is responsible for collecting the data points for their farm. Group management must support the farm to do this and is ultimately responsible for submitting the data.

Check mark for small farms part of a group

The data point applies to small farms but must be collected by the group management.

Checkmark for large farms part of a group and group management

Large farm management must collect data points for their farms, while group management handles the data points for small farms within the group (if relevant) and supports large farms within the group.

Checkmark for small farms and large farms part of a group

The data point applies to small and large farms within a group, but for the small farms, it is to be collected by the group management.

Checkmark for small, large farms and group management

The data points are applicable to small farms, large farms and the group management within a group.

Data Points

Number of Shade Trees Species per farm


The total number of species of shade trees present on the farm.

This is towards increasing the diversity of shade tree species per farm to enhance soil quality, conserve biodiversity, optimize water source protection, and contribute to climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration.

Data Collection:

  • Collected as a numerical value.

  • Count the number of tree species being used as shade trees on the area of RA certified crop.

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Number of Shade Trees per hectare


The total number of shade trees present on the farm. This indicator focuses on increasing the number of shade trees per farm to enhance soil quality, conserve biodiversity, optimize water source protection, and contribute to climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration.

Data Collection:

  • Collected as a numerical value.

  • Count the number of shade trees per hectares.

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.

  • Reported yearly after internal inspection/self-assessment.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Liters / Kilograms of Organic Fertilizers


This indicator tracks the annual amount of organic fertilizer applied to the certified crop on the farm over the past year. The objective is to use this data to identify and implement opportunities for improving fertilizer efficiency in the upcoming year. For this data point, we define organic fertilizer according to the glossary, excluding manure and counting only externally sourced organic fertilizer.

Data Collection:

  • Collected as a numerical value reported in kilograms (kg) and/or liters (L).

  • Total amount of organic fertilizer used by the farm on RA certified crop(s).

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.

  • Reported yearly after internal inspection/self-assessment.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Liters / Kilograms of Inorganic Fertilizers


To monitor the annual usage of inorganic fertilizer on the farm for the certified crop over the past year. This data is utilized to proactively identify and implement opportunities for improving fertilizer efficiency in the upcoming year.

Data Collection:

  • Collected as a numerical value.

  • Total amount of inorganic fertilizer used by farm.

  • Data reported, is from the previous calendar year.

  • Reported yearly after internal inspection/self-assessment.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Estimated Certified production volume of the previous year in kilograms


Total estimated volume of the certified crop. This is estimation is taken from the previous year.

Keeping track of the previous estimated certified production volumes helps producers and group management to better manage their farms, encourages the adoption of sound agricultural practices, and brings transparency to the supply chain. It is also relevant in capturing trends for yield estimations for the current year. In this regard the estimates are compared to the actual harvests. This contributes to the credibility of Rainforest Alliance certification program and traceability system.  

Data collection:

  • Collected as a numerical value

  • Total kilograms of estimated certified production.

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.

  • Reported yearly after internal inspection/self-assessment.

Kindly refer to the Rainforest Alliance Guidance G: Yield Estimation, which covers different commodity crops and production contexts. Basic principles are described to enable more accurate yield estimates.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Estimated Certified production volume of the previous year in stems: Only applicable to flowers


Total estimated volume of the certified crop. This is estimation is taken from the previous year.

Keeping track of the previous estimated certified production volumes helps producers and group management to better manage their farms, encourages the adoption of sound agricultural practices, and brings transparency to the supply chain. It is also relevant in capturing trends for yield estimations for the current year. In this regard the estimates are compared to the actual harvests. This contributes to the credibility of Rainforest Alliance certification program and traceability system.  

Data collection:

  • Collected as a numerical value.

  • Total stems of estimated certified production.

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.

  • Reported yearly after internal inspection/self-assessment.

Kindly refer to the Rainforest Alliance Guidance G: Yield Estimation, which covers different commodity crops and production contexts. Basic principles are described to enable more accurate yield estimates.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Farm size in ha


The total area of the certified farms. The objective is to keep an up-to-date record of the certified total area as part of the necessary information to confirm the certification scope for the CH/each member. In the case of groups, you can use the Group Member Registry (GMR) form provided by Rainforest Alliance.

Data collection:

  • Collected as a numerical value.

  • Using the documents of ownership/tenure of the land, such as deeds, lease contracts, and possession certificates together with maps of the property, the producer must record the total area to be included within the scope of the certification in the forms provided by Rainforest Alliance (such as the GMR, Rainforest Alliance platform).  

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.

  • Reported yearly after internal inspection/self-assessment.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Production area size in ha


The production area of the certified crops. Keep an up-to-date record of the certified crop area as part of the necessary information to confirm the certification scope for the Certificate Holder/ each member, using the Group Member Registry form provided by Rainforest Alliance.

Data collection:

  • At the beginning of the year, during the update of the annual management plan.

  • Verify and update any changes prior to internal inspection.

  • Using the documents of ownership/tenure of the land, such as deeds, lease contracts, and possession certificates together with maps of the property, the producer must record the total area to be included within the scope of the certification in the forms provided by Rainforest Alliance (GMR, platform).  

  • Any inconsistencies between documents should be identified and recorded so that the data registered in the Rainforest Alliance formats can be validated with evidence during verification and validation by Rainforest Alliance or the CB.

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.

  • Data point to be collected yearly, after internal inspection/self-assessment.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Liters / Kilograms of Pesticides broken down into; Insecticide, Rodenticide, Fungicide, Herbicide, and Other


The total quantity of all pesticides applied on the farm during the previous calendar year.
The objective is to ensure sustainable pest management practices by accurately tracking annual pesticide use, promoting responsible usage, minimizing environmental impact, and reducing the use of highly toxic and prohibited products.

Data Collection:

  • Collected as a numerical value in liters and/or kilograms.

  • Using pesticides and application records, the CH will collect information on the total amount of pesticides applied during the previous year of the certified crop.

  • Reported yearly after internal inspection/self-assessment.

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Water use for irrigation in total (Liters)


Total amount of water used for irrigation.

Promoting efficient water management by tracking irrigation water usage from year 1 onwards, enabling producers to monitor consumption, optimize water resources, and support sustainable agricultural practices.

Data collection:

Note: This data point is applicable only when irrigation on the farm is reported.

  • Numerical value representing a total of water used in liters for irrigation.

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Water use for processing in total (Liters)


Total water used for the processing of the Rainforest Alliance certified crop during the last calendar year. The objective is to promote efficient water management by tracking water usage for processing, enabling producers to monitor consumption, optimize water resources, and support sustainable agricultural practices.

Data collection:

Note: For Group Management, this is applicable if groups have central processing facilities.

  • Numerical value representing the total amount of water used in liters for processing.

  • Record (according to the frequency of processing) the water consumption values according to the reading of your counting system installed at the catchment site of the water used for processing the harvested product. Check the unit of measurement and if necessary, make the necessary conversions to obtain the data in liters.

  • If you do not have a recording system at the catchment site, measure the volume collected for processing activities.  

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.

  • Reported yearly.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Wood use for processing


Total wood used for the processing of the Rainforest Alliance certified crop during the last calendar year. The objective is to promote efficient wood management by tracking wood usage, enabling producers to monitor consumption.

Data collection:

Note: For Group Management, this is applicable if groups have central processing facilities.

  • Numerical value representing a total of wood used in Kilograms for processing.

  • Record the wood consumption according to the amount bought/ used for processing purposes.

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.

  • Reported yearly.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Percentage of farm area under natural vegetation


Total farm area maintained under natural vegetation cover.

The objective is to continuously maintain and monitor natural vegetation cover, with annual reporting to track progress. If natural vegetation cover falls below 10% of the total area, or below 15% for farms with shade-tolerant crops, establish improvement targets and implement actions to achieve and sustain these thresholds over time.

Data collection:

  • The farmer shall measure (using polygons or another identified method) the area covered by natural vegetation and report this information on the Data Point Form.

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year

The Rainforest Alliance Guidance M: Natural Ecosystems and Vegetation provides guidance on how to measure natural vegetation in set-aside conservation land and in production areas (such as agroforestry shade cover).


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Number of reported cases disaggregated by gender for: Child Labor, Forced Labor, Gender-Based Discrimination, other Discrimination, Workplace Violence and Harassment


The total number of cases of child labor, forced labor, gender-based discrimination, other discrimination, and workplace violence and harassment, separated by gender, which are reported to the Grievance Committee.

Data collection:

  • Data reported in the Rainforest Alliance platform is from the previous calendar year.

For more information:

  • Reporting cases: Rainforest Alliance Guidance E: Grievance Mechanism.

  • An optional template and tool: Rainforest Alliance Guidance R: Assess-and-Address Monitoring Guidance Tool.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Number of confirmed cases disaggregated by gender for: Child Labor, Forced Labor, Gender-Based Discrimination, other Discrimination, Workplace Violence and Harassment.  


The total number of cases separated by gender, which are confirmed by the grievance committee as a case of child labor, forced labor, gender-based discrimination, other discrimination, workplace violence and harassment.  

Data collection:  

  • Data reported in the Rainforest Alliance platform is from the previous calendar year.

For more information:  

  • Rainforest Alliance Guidance E: Grievance Mechanism.

  • For a template and tool Rainforest Alliance Guidance R: Assess-and-Address Monitoring Guidance Tool.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Number of remediated cases disaggregated by gender for Child Labor, Forced Labor, Gender-Based Discrimination, Other discrimination, Workplace Violence and Harassment


The total number of cases of child labor, forced labor, gender based discrimination, other discrimination, workplace violence and harassment that have been remediated according to the remediation protocol, separated by gender.

Data collection:

  • Data reported in the RA platform is from the previous calendar year.

For more information:


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Total fossil fuel use annually


The total fossil fuel use indicator refers to the total fossil fuel used for the production and processing of certified products. This includes fuel sources such as diesel, petrol, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) (propane), coal, natural gas, as well as oil. It is reported in volume of fuel (Liters, cubic meters), or weight (kg), whether it is for stationary consumption (such as boilers, mechanical driers) or mobile consumption (such as tractors). The use of biofuels should not be included. The objective is to determine the farms' typical fuel consumption to identify opportunities to optimize it through improved process performance or reduced usage.

Data collection:

Note: This applies to Group Management only if groups use fossil fuel for processing

  • Fossil fuel usage for processing and production.

  • Numerical value with unit: liters, kilograms, and cubic meters

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year

The Rainforest Alliance Guidance N: Energy Efficiency provides guidelines to the Certificate Holders to assist in recording this information according to the Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard Farm Requirements


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Total electricity use (kWh) annually


The total electricity use data point refers to electricity used for the production and processing of certified products, such as the use of processing machinery. This includes both renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro) and electricity grid, and is reported in kWh of electricity used.  The objective is to determine the farm's typical electricity consumption to identify opportunities to optimize it through improved process performance or reduced usage.  

Data collection:

Note: This applies to Group Management only if groups use energy for processing

  • Collected as a numerical value in  kilowatt-hour (kWh)

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year

  • Reported yearly

The Rainforest Alliance Guidance N: Energy Efficiency provides guidelines to the Certificate Holders to assist in recording this information according to the Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard Farm Requirements.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Type of renewable energy source: solar, wind, hydro, biofuels


Use of renewable energy (yes or no) and types used (solar, wind, hydro, or biofuels). The objective is to report or identify the opportunity to adopt renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, contributing to climate change mitigation and the well-being of surrounding communities.

Data Collection:

  • Identify if the farm(s) use any renewable energy sources and record them.  

  • Data reported is from the previous calendar year.

  • Reported yearly.


Group certification

Ind. cert.



Group mgt.


Other information

Date of first publication of this document (v 1.0): March 3rd, 2025.

Documents indicated as “binding” must be complied with for certification. Documents indicated as “non-binding” provide non-mandatory information to help readers understand and implement requirements and other binding content.

Translation Disclaimer

For any question related to the precise meaning of the information in a translation, consult the official English version for clarification. Any errors or differences in meaning due to translation are not binding and have no effect for auditing or certification purposes.

Reproduction, modification, distribution, or republication of this content is strictly forbidden without prior written consent from Rainforest Alliance.

More information?

For help in obtaining a Rainforest Alliance certificate reach out to our Customer Success team at

For more information about Rainforest Alliance, visit contact or the Rainforest Alliance Amsterdam Office, De Ruijterkade 6, 1013AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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