Premium Annex
  • 03 Mar 2025
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Premium Annex

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Article summary


Premium Annex





Applies to:

Farm and Supply Chain Certificate Holders


Binding content

Effective by:

October 1st 2025

Expires by:

Until further notice

Published on:

March 3rd 2025


SA-S-SD-21-V1.2 Annex Chapter 3: Income and Shared Responsibility, published on June 11th, 2023,

What is this document about?

This annex includes additional binding content related to the implementation of the requirements in the Premium Chapter of the Rainforest Alliance Standards. This document includes:

  • Additional details on which actors are responsible for payment of the premiums.

  • Additional details on the payment terms for premium.

  • Additional details on implementation of the premium requirements in special situations.

  • Additional details on premium reporting in the traceability platform.

When and how to use this document?

This document offers Certificate Holders additional information on implementing the Rainforest Alliance Standards. Certification Bodies can also use it to understand the implementation requirements.  

Changes in update from v1.2 to v1.3


What has changed

Entire Document

Sustainability Differential and Investment are now one payment and called premium.

Entire Document

References to Sustainability Investment have been removed, including minimum amounts.

1. Introduction

Implementing premium requirements varies by sector due to the differing global supply chain dynamics for Rainforest Alliance Certified commodities. This annex provides this sector-specific content.

Premium: The responsible entity pays the premium as a monetary payment in addition to the market price, quality premiums, or other differentials.

2. Implementation of requirements

2.1 Responsibilities on Agreements and Payments

The applicability of the premium requirements varies by sector. The table below indicates which Supply Chain Certificate Holder (CH) is responsible for complying with the requirements:

Table 1: Overview of responsible entities to comply with requirements for the payment of premium.


Responsible entity for Premium



First Buyer

the initial entity who receives a transaction in the Rainforest Alliance traceability platform after the producing farm certificate holder.

- specify amounts and payment terms for premium in contracts or signed agreements with farm CHs

- make payments on volumes purchased as Rainforest Alliance Certified


Processed fruits and Coconut Oil


Herbs and Spices

Other crops


Brand owner

Note for foodservice and Retail brand owners: the private label manufacturer (packer) must commit, confirm, and pay the premium on behalf of the retail brand owner. Retail brands are required to compensate the private label manufacturer (packer) for this premium payment.

(In the absence of a contract or signed agreement between farm CH and brand)

- make commitments in the Rainforest Alliance traceability platform

- specify premium amounts by volume

- make payments on volumes sold as Rainforest Alliance Certified. Transfer of premium to farm CHs will be facilitated by the Rainforest Alliance payment facility  

Banana and Fresh Fruits


the organization outside the country of origin that imports certified volume directly from origin, including retailers, brand owners or any other organization who performs this function.

- specify payment terms in contractual agreements with their direct suppliers

- Exporters must forward the premium to the farm CH




Note: Entities working with multiple crops may have different responsibilities for premium payments, depending on their role in each supply chain and the payment responsibilities for the relevant sector.

2.2 Requirement 3.1.1: Reporting the Premium

- First buyer and Importer approach

  • When entering a sales transaction, farm CHs must indicate the premium amounts agreed in the contract or signed agreement in the “premium agreed” field of the transaction details. Premium amounts agreed in local currencies are converted and recorded in either € or US$.

  • The first buyer must confirm the agreed premium amounts by confirming the overall transaction. If the amount entered by the farm CH differs from what was agreed upon, the first buyer can reject the sales transaction and request the farm CH to correct it.

For bananas and other fresh fruits: The agreed premium between the farm CH and the first buyer is recorded on the platform. If the importer is not the first buyer, the premium agreed with suppliers is recorded outside the Rainforest Alliance traceability platform.

- Brand owner approach

  • When redeeming certified volume from the Rainforest Alliance traceability platform, the brand owner indicates the premium amount they commit and confirms to pay in the platform. For foodservice and retail brands, these actions are performed by the private label manufacturer (packer), unless the foodservice or retail brand takes over the commitment, payment of premium, and the redeeming of volumes.

2.3 Requirement 3.1.1: Minimum Amounts

The Rainforest Alliance has defined a minimum premium amount for cocoa. This means the premium amount agreed between the first buyer and farm CH must at least reach this amount.

Table 2: Minimum premium in cocoa



Countries in Africa using XOF or XAF

Rest of the World

Minimum premium

63 Euro per MT of cocoa bean

70 US$ per MT of cocoa bean

Start date

All certified cocoa produced during the 2023-2024 harvest cycle that is sold as Rainforest Alliance Certified

July 1, 2022

2.4 Requirement 3.1.2: Contracts or Signed Agreements for Premium

In all crops except for tea, groups and individually certified farms must have clear contractual agreements specifying the premium amount and other terms.

First Buyer Approach (coffee, cocoa, processed fruits and coconut oil, nuts, herbs & spices, other crops)

First buyers must negotiate premium amounts with farm certificate holders. The supply chain CH will include the agreed premium in contracts or signed agreements with farm CHs.

Importer Approach (bananas and fresh fruits)

Importers must negotiate and agree on the premium amount with the supplier. The agreed premium amounts are included in the contracts.

If the importer is not directly purchasing the certified volume from the farm CH, the supply chain CH in the country of origin (first buyers/exporters, etc.) must include the negotiated premium amount in contracts or signed agreements with the farm CH. The supply chain CH that contracts directly with the farm CH must transfer the premium amounts to the farm CH.

Brand owner approach (tea)

Brand owners must commit to the premium amount by volume they will pay. Payments to farm CHs will be made via the Rainforest Alliance payment facility, with an invoice sent to the brand owner. For foodservice and retail brands, these requirements are facilitated by their private label manufacturer (packer) who will redeem the volumes and commit to premium amounts.

Farm CHs purchasing certified products from other farms

A farm CH who purchases certified products from other farm CHs is considered the first buyer for the volumes purchased. For crops where the first buyer is responsible for premium payments (see table 1), these CHs must make premium payments for the volumes purchased as Rainforest Alliance Certified.

2.5 Timeframes for payment of Premium

The Rainforest Alliance has defined specific timeframes for the payment of the premium per sector, as set out in the table below:

Table 3: Timeframe for premium payment


Applicable payment timeframe


Payment is made no later than 12 months after shipment from farm CH to the first buyer.

Processed Fruits and Coconut Oil


Herbs and Spices

Other crops


Payment is made no later than 6 months after shipment from the farm CH to first buyer, unless otherwise required by local regulations.


Payment is made quarterly. Total quarterly amounts are paid within the terms set in the premium invoice from the Rainforest Alliance payment facility, and latest by the close of the next quarter.

Banana and other fresh fruits

Payment is tied to regular payments for certified product.

3. Farm Responsibilities on Premium

Requirement 3.1.3: Distribution of Premium to Group Members

Farm CHs must maintain complete and accurate evidence of all premium payments made to each group member, including amounts received. These records must be updated at least annually. The evidence must show that the total premium payments to group members equal the percentage of the premium received from the buyer(s), allocated for distribution. At a minimum, this should be 40% of the total premium received from the buyer(s). Only transaction and tax-related costs can be deducted from the total premium received, and evidence of such deductions must be provided. This means farm CHs must have an adequate accounting system in place to:

  • Record premium payments separately from the product price and quality premiums or other premiums.

  • Record amounts and dates of payments made to each group member linked to volume of product delivered to the group.

  • Provide group members with information on the agreed amount of premium (by volume), and timelines and methods for payment.

  • Provide each group member with information on the premium paid to them.

Requirement 3.1.4: Premium in Large and Individual Farm CHs

Large farms and Individual CHs must keep accurate records of how they have spent the premium received. This should include:

  • The total amounts received based on the total volumes sold

  • The percentage of the total premium received used to benefit producers and/or workers

Certificate Holders are not required to report this information but should have the records available upon request by Certification Bodies, their agents and/or the Rainforest Alliance.

4. Transparency

The Rainforest Alliance is dedicated to supply chain transparency. Tea farm certificate holders are informed of the brand owner or packer who has committed and paid the premium amount(s) with each payment.

Other information

Date of first publication of this document (v 1.0): July 1st,2022.

The Rainforest Alliance retains the rights to review, approve, deny, or revoke these allowances for specific Certificate Holders and on a case-by-case basis.

Documents indicated as “binding” must be complied with for certification. Documents indicated as “non-binding” provide non-mandatory information to help readers understand and implement requirements and other binding content.

Translation Disclaimer

For any question related to the precise meaning of the information in a translation, consult the official English version for clarification. Any errors or differences in meaning due to translation are not binding and have no effect for auditing or certification purposes.

Reproduction, modification, distribution, or republication of this content is strictly forbidden without prior written consent from Rainforest Alliance.

More information?

For help in obtaining a Rainforest Alliance certificate reach out to our Customer Success team at

For more information about Rainforest Alliance, visit contact or the Rainforest Alliance Amsterdam Office, De Ruijterkade 6, 1013AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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